lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

Task #1 Summary of the legal framework for ICTs in ESO

There are 7 key competences described in the law “LOMCE”. The last one is called “competencia digital” or digital competence and refers to the usage of ICTs among others.
However, ICTs is further developed in the Valencian Community Decree (Decreto 87/2015, de 5 de Junio del Consell,  por el que se establece el currículo y se desarrolla la ordenación general de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y del Bachillerato en la Comunidad Valenciana).
In both laws, ICTs are not considered as complimentary resources but as necessary tools for the proper development of the academic course. The world is changing and education has to evolve in the same way. Moreover, the ICTs are seen as a key tool for the learning not only of students but also of teachers and citizens.  This is, a good usage of ICTs in primary and secondary education will allow citizens to be independent in their learning process leading to a  learning through life.

Task #2 PicLit "I feel infinite"

PicLit from
See the full PicLit at

Task #3 Voicethread "Does Mona Lisa wear shoes?"

Voicethread "Does Mona Lisa wear shoes?" 
This Voicethread consists in creating pieces of a story in order to get the whole. Students will have to upload their media and voice taking into account what the previous classmate said. Let's see what happens!

Task #4 Tar Heel Reader "Diary of a flight attendant"

In order to clarify some stereotypes about flight attendants, here I present my story in Tar Heel Reader (you can either click on the title or on the image)

Task #5 Webpage "Turning mirrors into windows"

Turning mirrors into windows
Here it is my website. It has personal opinion about education. Hope you enjoy it!

Task #6 Hotpotatoes "Hero by Family of the Year"

Task #7 Google Slides. CLIL

Task #8 Template of a CLIL lesson

Task #9 To publish CLIL materials in Issuu

Task #10 Webquest "OSTs, Composers & Songs for Posterity"

Webquest "Original Soundtracks, Composers, Songs for Posterity" 

This webquest has been prepared for our CLIL topic "Audiovisuals and Music". It is uploaded in Issuu in order to make it easier to read and work with it.

Task #10.1 Powtoon "Superhero song"


This presentation has been created to serve as an example of the third Webquest activity prepared for students of "History of the Music and Dancing" (see task 10, exercise 3). The activity is related to songs that took an important role in our history.

Task #11 ESL Video "Why can't we see evidence of alien life?"

Task #12 Glogster "Harry Potter"

Harry Potter Glogster 

This virtual poster has been prepared for students in 1st of ESO. It can serve as a guide for them to create their own Glosgster, as well as to introduce J.K.Rowling books to them.

Task #13 Picassa Video "Why don't you visita Javea?"

Task #14 Google Form and Flubaroo "Grammar Time!"

Task #15 My Kahoots "OST Fun" and "-ING/-ED Adjectives... Let's Play!"


Activity for students in 2nd Bachillerato who take the course "History of the Music and Dancing". This Kahoot is a good way to introduce the topic "Music and Audiovisuals" and to highlight the importance of our lives

Kahoot OST Fun!


This Kahoot was created for B1 students in Escuela Oficial de Idiomas in Alicante. Its goal is to review the usage of -ing/-ed adjectives.

Kahoot -ing/-ed Adjectives... Let's play!